Current Marina Area

If you decide to keep it in its current San Rafael location, you must apply to the marina, pass a credit and background check, and pass an interview with the harbor manager. You can apply and interview with the marina before you purchase the yacht to see if you pass all of the marina's standard requirements for keeping this yacht in a slip in the current marina. 



The current marina has many amenities and a wonderful company and team that manages it professionally. A high-end Whole Foods-like market is within walking distance. We have been here for many years and will miss it.

Please also remember that you can easily move our yacht to any marina in the Bay Area or anywhere else you choose to locate it.

Several of the photos below were taken from the top level of the yacht. The long walkway below is called the Strand, which goes on for blocks. 











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  • Lawrence Wollersheim
    published this page in About 2024-04-14 11:01:24 -0700